Despite his wealth, Paul McCartney spotted riding the train!

Once again, Paul McCartney has been spotted using public transportation. On Thursday (March 16th) -- despite his reported billion dollar worth -- "Macca" was seen riding in the second-class with the ordinary commuters, hopping on the train just as it exited London's Charing Cross station. McCartney made news last summer when he was snapped also traveling in London minding his business among the second-class passengers.

Commuter Ollie Wong spotted the former Beatle straight away and told The Daily Mail: "He was talking on his phone saying 'I've just managed to get on a train. I'm on the train now.' I looked at him and I instantly thought, 'That's Paul McCartney!' I couldn't believe he was slumming it in second class with me.' 'I'm not normally shy when I meet celebrities, but I could tell that he didn't want any attention, so I just kept schtum too before I got off at London Bridge 10 minutes later. I didn't recognize his voice on the phone, but his face was so familiar. He was alone and he was dressed really down to earth. He just sat and quietly read. It was amazing to see a legend sat in front of you like that."

Lots of response on social media:            

Tom wrote: "This is why he's a living legend. . . He gets a third off nowadays with his Senior Railcard so why not make the most of it? Good for Sir Paul for enjoying the simple things in life."

jaj910 wrote: "Wow.. amazing! Kudos to Mr. Wong for being cool, not drawing attention to his presence, and respecting his privacy."

Gibson wrote: "Do you think he has to use the toilet too - like ordinary people?"

Deanna wrote: "I think it's lovely how he now feels able to do so (apart from the ''secret filming' - which I'm sure he was aware of) - think of all those decades that Macca could NEVER do something 'normal' like ride a public train - not without getting mobbed, having his hair pulled out - clothing shredded - or worse!!!"

kingpaul wrote: "1st still class is exactly the same as 2nd class except the carriage is empty. This ridiculous system should be stopped - at peak times people have to stand when the 1st class carriage is empty."

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