Imagine your child having a disorder that impacts his motor skills, such as walking. And imagine not knowing if your insurance would cover a basic item he needs to help him walk. That’s what Christian and Justin Moore were experiencing when they walked into a Home Depot in Cedartown, Georgia, last week. Their son Logan is 2 and has hypotonia, a syndrome that impacts his muscle tone and makes stability a struggle. Logan’s physical therapist suggested a gait trainer to help him with walking, but they did not think insurance would cover it. So she and her husband turned to YouTube where they found a tutorial to make one out of PVC pipe.

… When they arrived, she asked a store employee she knew if anyone could help them with the supply list. Christian said what happened next shocked her. She was met by a store manager and another employee who came to help. They started getting the parts together and told the family they would put it together and would not charge them. They told them to go get ice cream and come back in an hour. When they returned the walker was finished and even included Logan’s name.

But something like this did happen once before, also at Home Depot but in Texas. Watch...

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