Another huge tip: he leaves $2500 when he learns a favorite bar is closing

Service industry employees unable to work are taking financial hits as people remain isolated and indoors in an effort to avoid infection. Coaches Bar and Grill in Columbus, Ohio is one of the many businesses to close its doors until further notice. In a gesture of support, a customer left a $2,500 tip on a bill for $29.75 a few hours before the restaurant was set to close Sunday night. The Coaches regular — who wishes to remain anonymous — requested the tip be distributed to the staff equally.

Yesterday I told you about the staff at a popular Houston restaurant that got a $9,400 tip from some regular customers who wanted to help them get by during the coronavirus shutdown. The bill for their meal was $90.12. The husband left a note on the receipt that said “hold tip to pay your guys over the next few weeks.” The restaurant split the money among 30 employees, so they got about $300 each.

Photo: Getty images

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