Theresa Lucas

Theresa Lucas

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Soap Under Your Sheets: Wake Up Feeling Great!

photo credit: Getty Images

Medicinal remedies can be very expensive and harsh on your body. Not to mention there aren't remedies for every ailment we face.

This is why home remedies are so great! You spend a lot less money, they're all natural, and there are often treatments for those nagging pains that doctors can't diagnose.

Putting a bar of soap under your fitted bed sheet is a proven treatment for two medical conditions that prevent you from sleeping. Can you guess what they are?

Restless leg syndrome and nightly leg cramps can often be treated by putting soap under your sheets!

Restless leg syndrome is a neurological disorder where a person feels discomfort in their legs while resting. While there is no known root cause, kidney failure, diabetes, pregnancy, and alcohol consumption have all been linked to it.

42% of people who suffer from restless leg syndrome or nightly leg cramps have found putting soap under their sheet helps treat their pain. Doctors believe this is because of the magnesium in the soap, which can help reduce leg cramps.

Read more about this at SHARED.COM

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