Michigan town bans clowns from Halloween for being too scary

Part of the fun of Halloween is getting a little bit scared, right? But, Oak Park, Michigan has banned people from dressing up as clowns at its annual Boo Bash Halloween party, saying clowns are 'too frightening' for children. Recreation Director Laurie Stasiak says, "This event is centered around young children. In the past few years many clown costumes have been given a very scary and evil look. Many scary and horror movies are centered around these types of characters. About 3 years [ago] there were national incidents in the news where people were dressing up as clowns and scaring people and in some cases assaulting them. Many people have phobias and anxiety about clowns. It’s because of this that we asked people not to dress up as clowns for this community event." The event is expected to draw thousands and last year saw 5,000 attendees. 

Clearly they don't think these costumes are scary!

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