Heather Brough woke up her one-year-old daughter Lily from a nap and noticed three deep scratches that mysteriously appeared on the girl's cheek. At first thinking her daughter scratched herself she checked the girl's fingernails which did not match the scratch marks.
Brough then looked at her baby monitor. While reviewing the footage, she saw what appears to be a ghostly male figure walking past Lily's Pack 'n Play and then disappearing.
This isn't first experience she's had of paranormal activity in her home. Heather and her fiance Josh have heard screaming, stomping, laughing and were once even woken up by a man shouting. According to The Daily Mail she talked about another frightening instance:
"I woke up to get ready for work one morning and it felt like someone was choking me. It shook me to the point where I decided to buy our camera."
Heather is convinced that they are being haunted by a previous tenant. Heather said, "This is a spirit - I don't know what its intentions are but at this point it's becoming physically harmful. This has made us want to leave as soon as possible. As soon as possible we're out of here."