As many of us are going “quackers” quarantined at home, Tamara Hein is passing the time with her rescue ducks Gabby and Olivia. The ducks share a Tampa, Florida, townhome with Hein, her husband, and their rescue pup Diogi. Hein says, “Ducks, like people, need companionship too. So they look to me and my husband and our dog. Since I raised Gabby, for example, he thinks I am his flock.”

… The rescue ducks are enjoying have extra time with their human companions during self isolation. Hein says, “During quarantine, they are watching me do a lot of housework. The laundry is caught up and the kitchen is going through a deep clean, they are fascinated by that.”

… Hein first became a mother duck two years ago when she rescued Q Duck, a disabled duck who used a wheelchair to get around. Since his passing in late 2019, her flock and side yard have expanded.

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