Need a smile? This will do it! Stuffed animals get to ride a roller coaster

This might make you smile. Belmont Park in Mission Beach, San Diego, has put some big stuffed animals on its roller coaster called The Giant Dipper. Park officials say the maintenance crew got tired of running the coaster without passengers, so last week they decided to load the 95-year-old ride up with stuffed animals. The coaster has not seen human passengers since mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The park’s general manager, Steve Thomas, says, “We have to keep the coaster running on a daily basis, so why not have a little fun with it. People are loving it.” The stuffed animals that are riding the coaster formerly served as prizes for the park’s games. Thomas says some of the animals might remain as social distancing buffers once the park is able to re-open.

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