After being rebuilt, Historic covered bridge hit twice in less than 1 week

A historic covered bridge in Illinois was damaged by a bus just one day after its reopening. Crazy, but it get worse. The bridge was struck a second time during the filming of a TV news segment. The Long Grove Covered Bridge (in the Chicago suburb Long Grove) had a grand reopening last Friday after extensive repairs following damage from a tall box truck in June 2018. Less than 24 hours later it was damaged again by a chartered school bus. Local authorities said the bus driver’s GPS “warned her she should not proceeds with the type of vehicle she was driving. The occupants on the bus convinced her to proceed, which she did, and subsequently struck the bridge.”

… A TV crew was interviewing locals about the damage to the bridge this past Wednesday when another vehicle struck the bridge. The sound of the crash was recorded by the station’s camera. The vehicle left the scene, but was later identified as a box truck carrying medical supplies. Authorities said they identified the truck driver, who told deputies he had thought the sound of the crash was just his load shifting.

Photo: Getty images

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