This couple was mailed ultrasound pictures they left in a leased car

An Illinois couple were happy to discover what they thought was junk mail contained something way more precious. Elyse Peterson received a letter from a local Toyota dealership and initially thought it was junk mail, but inside were ultrasound photos and a handwritten note from dealership's general manager, Michael Townsend. The letter read: "Mr and Mrs. Peterson, I believe the enclosed imaging is very significant to you. It may have come from a vehicle returned. It's from some time ago." The ultrasound images were found in the glove compartment of a vehicle at the dealership. Townsend ran the names on the images through the dealership's database and discovered a couple by that name had previously leased the vehicle. It turned out the photos were the first ultrasound images of the Petersons' daughter, which they'd lost two years earlier

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