McDonald's manager posts on TikTok: what is the least ordered menu item?

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Ever wonder what people don’t order from McDonald’s? Stephen Patula, a McDonald’s area supervisor from Waterford, Ohio, posted a video to TikTok saying customers almost never order hot tea. In his 15-second clip he says, “Over the years, a ton of people have asked me what is the least ordered item at any McDonald’s. We bought these stores in July and I have yet to serve one hot tea. I actually didn’t know that we sold hot tea until about a month ago. Ironically though, our most sold item is iced tea.” The video quickly went viral, and one TikTok user commented, “We sold a hot tea the other day. No one knew how to make it. We had to get the [general manager] to help us.” A number of hot tea fans argued that the drink is or could be a top order in the UK. 

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