A new poll says American's don't want to talk politics at Thanksgiving

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Arguing about politics is one of those things that can derail your Thanksgiving, sparking anger and shouting at the celebration, and a Quinnipiac University poll found that it's something Americans definitely don't want to do this year. Two-thirds of those surveyed, 66 percent, said they are hoping to avoid politics while visiting with family or friends for Thanskgiving, with just 21 percent saying they're looking forward to it. When asked how likely they think there will be a heated political debate at their gatherings, half -- 50 percent -- said not likely at all, 24 percent said not so likely, 15 percent said somewhat likely and nine percent very likely.

This video, which I think is one of the best SNL has ever produced, exemplifies the point. For this group, there may only be one thing to save them from arguing at Thanksgiving dinner! Watch....

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