Hilton Head Groomer Jeff Prekop is on his way to Ukraine to help the animals
There is a lot of focus and interest in helping those in Ukraine fleeing for their lives.
One local Hilton Head Islander is headed to Ukraine--but his passion is helping the pets.
Jeff Prekop decided now is the time to put down the clippers and step up to help the animals in need.
Jeff Prekop packed his bags with clothes and supplies for the dogs and cats in eastern Europe and just boarded his flight to Ukraine. He will be joining up with several eastern European groups who are shuttling animals across the border. Jeff wants to give them a new home and a chance at a new life.
“Seeing and hearing about what happened with shelters getting bombed and people are still there trying to get help,” Prekop said. “And they are running out of food running out of supplies, it was just, it was truly a calling I felt it in my heart I have to do something about this.”
Jeff will spend the next two weeks in and out of the country. His man job will focus on getting the animals to safety.
If you’re interested in helping the animals in need you can visit War Paws, Breaking the Chains or Dogbus Transporting Paws.