Record heat is sending UPS drivers to the hospital and they want protection

Just a week ago I shared a video which went viral of a UPS driver in Arizona where it was so hot he collapsed on a man's porch while attempting to deliver a package. (See the video below.)

Now things are getting worse.

On a 103 degree day in Fort Worth, Matthew Moczygemba knew something was wrong when he lost his thirst. After several deliveries, he felt dizzy, then he pulled his truck over and vomited onto the curb. He's worked for the company for five years and says “I stopped sweating and was starting to get cold, It was a bad feeling.”

He ended up at the emergency room, where doctors diagnosed him with dehydration and heat exhaustion, and gave him several bags of IV fluid and while he was released a few hours later, but he has not returned to work in the nearly three weeks since. 

“I’m nervous about going back,” Moczygemba said. 

More than a dozen UPS employees and union leaders say this year more workers seem to be getting sick and have been hospitalized because of the heat than ever before. In response, they are demanding that the company put more safety measures in place. 

Below is the video of the driver who collapsed along with some other UPS drivers having issues due to the heat.

Photo: Getty Images

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