Florida man Rob Greenfield says you can grow your own toilet paper

Rob Greenfield doesn’t stock his bathroom with store-bought toilet paper. Instead, the noted environmentalist picks a few lush, green leaves from the blue spur flower plant growing in his yard in Florida and uses that instead. Since April 29, the eco-activist has been touring major cities in Florida as part of his Grow Your Own Toilet Paper Initiative to encourage people to use leaves from toilet paper trees instead of buying commercial toilet paper.

… He picks a well-traveled spot in each city, sets up his compost toilet next to several packages of store-bought toilet paper and one of his green, leafy toilet paper plants, and lets the questions rip.

… Greenfield says, “We live in this consumer culture where most of us don’t really know where things come from, how they get to us, and what the impact it is that it has on the earth. And toilet paper’s no exception. We just buy it at the store and we never think twice about it.”

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