Employee Appreciation Day Gift: A photo with the company CEO

A woman on TikTok (@milaxhehe) was asked by her employer to remove a video she made about the company’s Employee Appreciation Day. In the video they wanted her to take down, she shares that instead of receiving a bonus or a day off, employees were gifted with a “sweet treat” and an opportunity to have their photos taken with the company’s CEO.

… In a Monday update, the woman said she reposted the video because she no longer works there. She write: “I had this video go viral & then my job found it and told me to delete it but i dont work there anymore so were back baby.”

… In the comments, people shared the “gifts” they were given by their bosses. One person received mousepads with pictures of the CEO’s houses, while another received a 9-piece jigsaw puzzle of the company’s logo.

Here's that video:

Photo: Kelvin Murray / Stone / Getty Images

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