Cher explains why she usually dates men younger than herself

On The Jennifer Hudson Show, Cher, 77, opened up about her preference for dating younger partners, citing her current relationship with Alexander AE Edwards, who is 38-years-old.

The topic came up after Hudson brought up that Cher mentioned she once "turned down" Elvis Presley earlier in the conversation.

"You turned down Elvis? Because I wouldn't have turned down Elvis. I'm sorry," Hudson quipped, to which Cher replied, "It was because I was nervous and I knew of the people around him, and it wasn't that they were bad people, it's just that I was kind of nervous of his reputation and, I mean, I'm really shy when I'm not working and kind of shy around men."

She continued, "And the reason I go out with young men is because men my age or older -- well now they're all dead -- but before, they just never, they were always terrified to approach me, and younger men were the only ones that--"

Photo: Amy Sussman / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

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