Watch this Bear Family Take a Dip In a California Pool

A mama bear and her cubs visited a California home for a dip in the pool. Instagram user @RICKYMARTINEZ87 posted video of the bruin family as the mom takes a dip in the pool. The cubs watch from land.

Video posted to Instagram by @RICKYMARTINEZ87 shows the mother bear and two cubs approaching the pool in the Monrovia resident's back yard.

The footage shows the mother climb into the pool for a swim while her cubs watch from dry land -- alongside an inflatable bear pool toy.

The bears were then seen using a large tree in the yard for climbing and scratching before moving along.

The Instagram post said bears are common in the area, but the family featured "the smallest cubs we've ever seen."

The bears were later spotted scratching themselves on a tree before heading out. While bears are common in the Monrovia area, the family said these were the smallest cubs they had ever seen.

Photo: Antonello / Moment / Getty Images

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