35 Vintage Toys That Are Worth an Astonishing Amount of Money Today

Happt meal toys. Teddy Ruxpin. An easy bake oven. Raggedy Ann Doll.

When's the last time you took a look in the back of your closet? If you've got any childhood games or toys stuffed back there, you might be able to unload them for decent money. Whether it's a $50 profit on an old Lite Brite or almost 100 grand for some G.I. Joe's, there's a lot of people willing to buy stuff out there. Take a look at these 35 vintage toys, which, if you've got some, could still be sold for a pretty penny.

CLICK HERE: You Could Sell These 35 Vintage Toys for a Ton of Money (cheapism.com)

Original Gameboy

Could be worth: $5,900

If you were jamming this bad boy in the back of your mom's station wagon, it'd be in your best interest to find out where that thing went. You might pull in six Gs.

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