If you live in Bluffton, this information about Hurricane Helene is for you

*NEW* Extra Dumpster for Household Trash:


  • The Town is providing a dumpster at its Town’s Public Services building, (Address: 2 Recreation Court) for household trash only. No furniture or yard debris will be accepted. Please bag all trash; do not dump loose waste. This is located at the entrance of Oscar Frazier Park, within the Bluffton Park community.


  • This dumpster will be available through Friday.


  • The Town is making this available for anyone who needs to dump household waste, especially those who lost electricity during the storm and need to dump household waste from freezers and refrigerators.


  • Waste Management, the Town’s waste/recycling provider, was unable to complete Thursday and Friday’s routes due to storm damage on roads.


  • Waste Management is back on schedule this week.


Natural Storm Debris:


  • Please note property owners are responsible for disposing of their own storm debris from their property. Unless your Property Owners Association has arranged for private pick up, please don’t place your debris on the side of the road.    
  • The Town is providing debris waste dumpsters for natural debris ONLY. No household trash or house debris such as drywall, siding and so forth will be accepted. Those large items need to be disposed of in the Beaufort County Convenience Centers which accept large waste items.
  • The dumpsters are located at: 

1. M.C. Riley Sports Complex (185 Goethe Road)

2. Oyster Factory Park (63 Wharf Street)

3. Eagles Field (Buck Island and Bluffton Parkway)

4. Construction Lot directly across from Bluffton Police Department (101 Progressive Street)

5. New River Linear Trail Parking Lot (3829 Okatie Highway; Between two entrances to Heritage at New Riverside neighborhood)

Note: These dumpsters will be available through Sunday, October 6, 2024

  • If you choose to burn your natural storm debris, please wait until the debris is no longer wet. If you burn wet debris, it will produce excessive smoke.

Emergency Permits:

  • If your house sustained damage, the Town will expediate your permits and there is no cost for emergency permits due to storm damage. (Please refer to news release below.)
  • Stay prepared (Residents): Bluffton is in the middle of the most active part of Hurricane Season. Please ensure you have charged flashlights, extra batteries, inventory of prescriptions, cash on hand, gas in personal vehicles and you are prepared for the remainder of Hurricane Season.
  • Stay Prepared (Contractors): Please be prepared and secure your construction sites before a storm. There were photos of tipped over porta johns on construction sites. It is the contractor’s responsibility to secure these items and any construction items which can be a protectible in the wind.

Stay safe, Bluffton!

Photo: Penny Britt / iStock / Getty Images

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