While most men ask their bride-to-be's family for permission to propose, but one man asked his girlfriend's loyal dog. Before Matt Hazen proposed to his girlfriend, Alex, he wanted approval first from the most important person in her life — her dog, Gus.
Check out this adorable video of Matt asking for the six-month-old golden retriever's permission which went viral just days after his proposal. The clip stole the internet's heart three years ago, with the wholesome video acquiring more than 6 million views and nearly 800,000 likes. In it Matt asks Gus, "I'm gonna ask momma to marry me, is that okay?" In response, the puppy barks in approval.
"If my man doesn’t ask my dogs first I’m not saying yes," one TikToker commented, with another person adding, "Ah yes, the most im-paw-tent paw-son to ask paw-mission."
"My fiancé told me he asked my dog for permission and he just requests a treat for my dowry," another user joked.
"I had joked that Matt better ask Gus’ permission before proposing," Alex said. "We always talk in his voice and narrate his thoughts so we say the silliest things to each other. Matt remembered that I had said that and thought it was a sweet idea that I would be able to watch after the proposal."
Photo: Westend61 / Westend61 / Getty Images