Mark Robertson

Mark Robertson

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Amazon’s Alexa has a voice familiar to millions: calm, warm, and measured. But like most synthetic speech, its tones have a human origin. There was someone whose voice had to be recorded, analyzed, and algorithmically reproduced to create Alexa as we know it now. Amazon has never revealed who this “original Alexa” is, but journalist Brad Stone says he tracked her down, and she is Nina Rolle, a voiceover artist based in Boulder, Colorado.

… The claim comes from Stone’s upcoming book on the tech giant, Amazon Unbound. Neither Amazon nor Rolle confirmed or denied Stone’s reporting, which he says is based on conversations with the professional voiceover community.

… Rolle says, “I learned her identity after canvasing the professional voice-over community: Boulder, Colorado — based voice actress and singer Nina Rolle. Her professional website contains links to old radio ads for products such as Mott’s Apple Juice and the Volkswagen Passat — and the warm timbre of Alexa’s voice is unmistakable. Rolle said she wasn’t allowed to talk to me when I reached her on the phone in February 2021. When I asked Amazon to speak with her, they declined.”

However in 2019, Susan Caplin did a you tube video that SHE is the voice of Alexa. Listen and see if you agree....

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