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Snow is something they don’t see a whole lot of in Florida, but lucky for some kids in the sunshine state, there was enough in Kentucky to share. What began as a lesson about weather and snow turned into a hands-on class project, overnight. A former Kentucky school teacher who now educates in Florida discovered that only two of her students had ever seen snow. This gave her an idea, and she gave her sister in Kentucky a call.
… Robin Hughes told her sister: “Make me a snowman, and I want you to overnight him to me and see if he can make it to the school — because I want these children in Florida to see snow.” After early January’s big snow came down, Amber Estes went into her yard and created Lucky — a Kentucky snowman who got his name in the hopes that he’d arrive in Florida safely. Lucky was wrapped in foil, surrounded by ice packs, packed in styrofoam and taken to the nearest UPS Store.
… Lucky, who’s about a foot tall and has twigs for arms, made it to Florida and Hughes said it was “pure joy” to watch the kids open the box. Lucky now resides in a freezer in the school’s cafeteria