Heinz is trying to track down a sailor who survived on ketchup for 24 days to make sure he never gets lost at sea again. Dominican sailor Elvis Francois was spotted by a Colombian Navy patrol plane and rescued by a cargo ship after his boat drifted out to sea (from St. Martin) while he was making repairs on it. In interviews following his January rescue, the 47-year-old said he survived on nothing but ketchup and seasonings. A Heinz spokesperson says the company wants to get him a “new state-of-the-art boat,” which will be “equipped with full navigational technology to avoid another disaster in the future” — but they’re having trouble finding him and have launched an appeal on social media
Here's is the company's Instagram post followed by the story of the stranded boater: Heinz on Instagram: “To whoever finds this message, We need your help tracking down an amazing man with an amazing story. You may remember Elvis Francois as…”
Photo: Getty Images