Fast food restaurants getting customers’ names wrong has long been a problem. From baristas misspelling names on coffee cups to servers giving customers potentially offensive names on receipts, the internet is full of stories in which customers are misidentified while ordering. A user on TikTok has gone viral after claiming that a Chick-fil-A worker spelled her name phonetically — lisp included. TikTok user Joyce (@afro_carribean7) says that she was ordering through Chick-fil-A’s drive-thru when the attendant remarked that she had a lisp, something he called “cute.”
… Eventually, he asked for the TikToker’s name. She responded that her name was Joyce. However, when she actually got the item, Joyce discovered that the attendant had opted to spell her name with her slight lisp included, rendering it “Joyth.”
… Several users shared similar stories of mistaken names. One said: “They did this to me at Popeye’s. Gave them the name John and they put a jolly.” Another commented: “My mom’s name is Patricia but she goes by Pat and once they put her name as Pot.”