Angela Powell sounds like she's getting off pretty easy. She was accused of running a puppy mill and has pleaded guilty to 35 counts of animal abuse earlier this month.
Powell had allowed dogs to live in filth on her property in Candler County — some of those dogs, mostly German Shepards, developed serious skin diseases due to the neglect. But she was actually arrested back in January of 2019, but court proceedings were delayed due to the pandemic. She was sentenced on Aug. 11. But she does not have to serve any additional jail/prison time, and will be on probation for 120 months. As part of her probation she must pay a total of $5,000 in restitution to more than a dozen animal rescue organizations that stepped up to take the surviving dogs.
More than 100 dogs were rescued from her property.
WSAV covered this story when it first broke in 2019 and here is what they reported:
Photo: Camille Tokerud / Stone / Getty Images