In a digital short penned by Jerry Seinfeld, released Monday to promote ‘Unfrosted’, Seinfeld visits the Pop-Tarts headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan, meeting with Kelman P. Gasworth, the fictional president, to chat about the film. Also during the week, Jerry visited the New Yorker’s ‘Radio Hour’, where he said the extreme left are affecting comedy. Here's the story and some related video.
It all started when Seinfeld directed and co-wrote a movie, Unfrosted, about the origin of Pop-Tarts. He also stars in the film, which hits Netflix on May 3.
Unfrosted tells the (fictional) origin story of Pop-Tarts, which resulted in a race between breakfast rivals Kellogg’s and Post to create a pastry for the masses in 1963. While Pop-Tarts do indeed have an origin story, this is not it.
“This really did happen in Battle Creek, Michigan, where Kellogg’s and Post were located, and they did compete to come up with this product,” Seinfeld has said. “But the rest of it is complete lunacy. … We’re going to tell you a story, but if we want to do something funny that doesn’t make any sense, we’re going to do that too.”
In a comedic digital short (written by Seinfeld) that was released Monday to promote Unfrosted, the actor-comedian meets with Kelman P. Gasworth, the (fictional) president of Pop-Tarts, in the company’s headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan, to discuss the film.
The issue? “When Jerry Seinfeld made the movie Unfrosted, he referenced 221 trademarked breakfast products without permission or proper legal clearance. This prompted a meeting,” explains a text card at the beginning.