On Sunday, November 5, at the stroke of 2AM, most clocks in North America and Europe will roll backward one hour to end daylight-saving time (DST) until next year. This gives many people one more hour of sleep, making the sun rise an hour earlier by our clocks’ count. However come March 11, 2018, the invisible time vampire will return to suck away an hour of sleep in the dead of night.

… Daylight Saving time (it’s not daylight “savings” time) was created by during World War I to decrease energy use. The practice was implemented year-round in 1942, during WWII. Not waking up in the dark, the thinking went, would decrease fuel use for lighting and heating — and help conserve energy supplies to win the war.

… Nearly 100 years later, most Americans are done with Daylight Saving Time. In a recent survey, around 8 in 10 U.S adults say DST is disruptive and doesn’t save energy. The energy thing is a myth. Back n 2006, when Indiana joined the Daylight Saving Time gimmick, researchers found energy actually increased in that state by 1%.

U.S. Prepares To Set Clocks Back As Daylights Saving Time Ends

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