Elf on the Shelf emerged as a new Christmas tradition for families with young children over the last decade or so, but some parents are now done with it. Inspired by a 2005 children's book, the Elf on the Shelf is placed around the house in the weeks before Christmas, with children told that it's watching their behavior and reporting to Santa on whether they've been naughty or nice. Parents usually move the elf doll to a different location each night, to make it seem like it's gone to the North Pole and returned by the morning. But some parents have come to believe the idea of an elf doll spying on children is actually kind of creepy for the kids. Meanwhile, other parents think moving the elf around every night is a hassle and just one more thing you have to do at the holidays, and also reject the competitive aspect, with some parents posting photos online of their creative scenarios with the Elf on the Shelf