This dog was returned to an Atlanta shelter for being "too nice"

So apparently there’s such thing as a dog being ‘too nice.’ A rescue dog from the Atlanta-area is making headlines as she was returned to Fulton County Animal Services for being too nice. The shelter wrote on Facebook: “Helena was recently returned to our Fulton County Animal Services location after her new owners said she was too nice and just wanted to be around them all the time. This Velcro dog sounds just about perfect to us. And we know there’s a family out there waiting to spend their nights binge-watching Netflix and snuggling with this sweet velvet hippo[…].” After the post went viral, the shelter further explained the dog’s owners “were looking for a more independent dog; and Helena just isn’t that.

Just three days after being returned to the shelter...

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado