Who Americans say is America's best president

Barack Obama easily came out on top in a recent Pew Research Center survey in which people were asked which president did the best job in their lifetime. Obama was named as the best or second-best president of their lifetime by 44 percent of Americans surveyed, followed by Bill Clinton at 33 percent and Ronald Reagan at 32 percent. President Trump was named best or second-best by just 19 percent, however that was ahead of George W. Bush, at 14 percent, and George H.W Bush at 10 percent. Presidents from Jimmy Carter back to Franklin Roosevelt were all in the low single digits except for John F. Kennedy, who was named by 12 percent. Obama was most popular with younger voters, with 62 percent of Millennials saying he'd done the best job, followed by 41 percent of Gen Xers and 32 percent of Baby Boomers. 

However, Reagan was the most popular with Gen Xers and Baby Boomers, named by 45 percent and 42 percent, respectively

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