Why this autistic teen is giving away peanut butter to federal workers

Peanut butter

A 15-year-old autistic boy won a lifetime supply of peanut butter, but what he did next was truly amazing. Eric McKay tweeted at the grocery store chain Lidl to ask when peanut butter was going to go on sale again. The company responded with a challenge: Get 72,000 retweets, and in exchange they would give him a lifetime supply of store-brand peanut butter. He had nearly 40,000 retweets by Christmas last month, and was finally put over the top when Monica Lewinsky and writer Neil Gaiman helped him with retweets. McKay decided to give some of his lifetime supply away to furloughed government workers, and with his father -- who's a furloughed worker -- at his side at the Lidl store in Dumfries, Virginia, Eric and his family gave away several peanut butter jars to others who've been furloughed.

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