A man is fighting for the return of his emotional support coyote!

Humans can bond with all types of animals, not just the domesticated type. Matt Stokes of Waterloo, Iowa says he bonded with a coyote, named Drifter, after the animal was left behind by his family in an old shed on Stokes’ property. But a neighbor spotted the animal wandering around the area in October, and called animal control. Now Stokes is fighting to get Drifter back. Though it’s illegal to have a pet coyote in Iowa, Stokes has hired an attorney in an effort to get the animal back. He says the animal was docile. A doctor’s note claims Drifter is an emotional support animal that helps Stokes with his depression and anxiety. The director of the animal sanctuary where the animal is being held say Drifter is “not an emotional support animal. This is a wild coyote that he took out of the wild and decided to make a pet.” They hope to release Drifter back into the wild. 

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