She wears an inflatable hippo suit to safely hug her mom at a nursing home

Here is another casualty of COVID19: hugs.

People are so afraid to come into close contact with loved ones who are up in age, hugging has become a thing of the past and replaced with social distancing and common sense precautions. And no place is this more obvious than at nursing homes which have been stricken by the coronavirus. But that’s not stopping some relatives from concocting creative ways to hug Nana safely. One young lady found a wonderful way to safely hug her mom at a Virginia nursing home. She put on an inflatable hippo costume (complete with pink tutu). Video was posted to Twitter showing the grandmother getting a much needed hug from a hippo.

“This is wonderful!” the elder woman exclaims. The video’s narrator gushes, “My mother-in-law hugging my grandmother in an inflatable hippo suit wearing a tutu is the content you needed today. Her nursing home is letting family members hug each other in these sterilized suits.”

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