Photo: Getty Images
When it comes to farm animals, they have to stick together. A wild video shows a goat and a rooster stepping up to fight a hawk and save their chicken friend. The hawk is seen flying in from the right side of the screen. It targets a solo chicken. The chicken gets away at first, but runs directly into the fence with nowhere to go. With its prey cornered, the hawk circles back and gets ahold of the chicken. In a heroic effort, a charging rooster is first to the scene, trying to save his friend. Despite a clear disadvantage, the rooster goes full-force with its beak, but can’t manage to get the hawk away. At that point, in comes a goat. The goat comes charging in horns-first and proceeds to stomp all over the hawk, until it eventually lets go of the chicken and flies off. The chicken scampers into its coop and gets away safely.