Photo: Gary Conlon
We know that gators scare us. But what scares a gator?
You don’t often hear about sharks and alligators crossing paths, but it does happen. A tourist was taking a video of an alligator under some docks in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, as people tossed fish into the water to stir things up, and ended up catching the moment a shark swam up and nipped the gator’s foot. Cory Conlon’s video shows the shark swimming up to the alligator and then biting it—the gator gives a startled jump, but does not appear injured. Conlon said the shark continued to swim in circles under the shark for several moments.
One woman on social media, who saw the video, commented: What is so "HILARIOUS" about throwing fish on top of the gators back to chum up and antagonize the shark to get the gator??