Photo: Estero Fire And Rescue
Firefighters in Estero, Florida, rescued a kitten that was stuck in the inner workings of a Tesla. Estero Fire Rescue said they dispatched a crew to Hertz Headquarters when the kitten was found trapped inside the Tesla parked in a business garage. The crew disassembled the car to reach the kitten, who didn't appear to be injured. Multiple workers at Hertz said they were interested in adopting the cat.
A wonderful thank-you note from Corporate Security Manager Robert Leverenz:
"Guys thanks so much for the assistance in rescuing the kitten at the Hertz campus. Hertz would like to recognize Lt Smith, Engineer Horton and Fire Fighter Heller for a great response to this call for service. Once again no matter how large or small the call for service your department showed you are here day in and day out for the community in which you serve.
CLICK HERE to see some Miami TV video of the rescue.