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Raise your hand if you always thought otters were friendly. A British man ended up in the hospital and says he thought he was going to die after being attacked by a pack of 20 otters in Singapore recently. Graham George Spencer was out for a walk with a friend at the Singapore Botanic Gardens when he saw the furry creatures crossing in front of him. A jogger then ran through the otter pack and spooked the little guys, who suddenly turned on Spencer and went “crazy like dogs.” The otters bit him in the ankles before somehow knocking him over and swarming on top of him, biting him “26 times in 10 seconds” on the legs, fingers, and the butt. Spencer’s friend managed to scare the otters off long enough for him to make a run for it, although he claims that they continued to follow him for a short distance. And despite the attack only lasting a few seconds, Spencer said he thought that was the end for him: “I just kept thinking ‘Surely I’m not going to die this way. Is this how I’m going to end? What will my kids think?'”