A Virginia man was reportedly seen on home security footage tossing poisoned chunks of meat to his neighbor's dogs over their loud barking.
"My dogs bark, they are dogs. But we don't leave them outside. We don't leave them unattended. Half the time we're not home because we're up in New Jersey," she said.
According to Yahoo News, Heather Dinsmore, the owner of the three rescue dogs, said she was away from her home visiting family in New Jersey earlier this month when she checked her security camera and saw her next-door neighbor in her driveway.
"He had a plastic bag in his hand and started breaking something apart in the bag and then throwing stuff into the yard," she said. "We were all shocked."
None of the dogs ingested any of the meat. Officers with the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria responded to the home, the person seen allegedly trying to poison the dogs was identified and fled the scene, the agency said.
The unidentified suspect who allegedly tossed the meat turned himself in to authorities on Monday in connection with misdemeanor charges. The neighbor also reportedly left a note of apology in their mailbox, saying he was "bothered by loud barking for a long time" as well as adding, "I was wrong, mean and stupid to resort to tossing tainted meat into your yard."
Photo: Getty Images