The 5-inch tongue of a Labrador/German shepherd mix from Louisiana just earned the title of the longest tongue on a living dog from by Guinness World Records. The dog—Zoey—has been sporting an unusually long tongue since her owners brought her into their fold when she was a mere 6 weeks old. "We thought surely she'd grow into it but she obviously didn't. She still has an enormous tongue compared to her body," said Zoey's owners, Metairie residents Sadie and Drew Williams. The family says that while Zoey is adorable her record-breaking tongue is known to cause a slobbery mess on those that let her give them smooches or get too close
"Every now and then while we're out taking her on a walk, people will come up to her and want to pet her," Drew Williams said. "We'll warn them ahead of time 'Hey, she's friendly but she might slobber on you,' and every now and then she will, and they'll have a big slobber mark on their black pants."
Photo: Getty Images