The Japanese man who made global headlines for spending thousands of dollars on a hyper-realistic dog costume has shared his family’s reaction to his transformation.
According to Next Shark, the man known only by his canine moniker “Toco,” had wanted to transform into man’s four-legged best friend since childhood. He became internet famous last year after commissioning model and sculpture company Zeppet to create a 2-million-yen (approximately $15,700) rough collie costume.
He has since documented his journey on YouTube, where his subscriber count has grown to over 51,000. He most recently shared a video of his first public walk, which garnered more buzz across news outlets.
In a new interview with the New York Post, Toco revealed how his family responded to his epic transformation. While he worries about friends and coworkers thinking that he is “weird,” he says his family actually welcomed his hobby.
“The family was surprised, but received it favorably,” he said. “I am very happy that they accepted it.”
Photo: Sarah Stier / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images