An Illinois trucker has been reunited with his cat after the feline went missing during a pit stop at a truck stop in Nevada. Chad McIntyre, who often travels long distances with his cat Tyler, said he was changing Tyler’s litter box when the cat wandered off. McIntyre searched for Tyler but had to leave for work and couldn’t find him when he returned. His wife, Brandi, sent out notifications on social media networks and missing pet groups, which eventually led to Tyler being found at a truck stop in Wyoming, about 670 miles away from where he went missing. Tyler was taken to an animal shelter and rescuers were able to contact McIntyre through the cat’s microchip. Volunteers then coordinated a series of drivers to transport Tyler back home to Illinois. The McIntyres said Tyler will no longer be accompanying them on their trucking trips. Good idea :)
See the story and meet the trucker and Tyler HERE
Photo: welcomia / iStock / Getty Images