Mark Robertson

Mark Robertson

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Runaway dog from Canada crosses border into United States

Dogs don’t care about the borders between countries. A German shepherd named Diamond recently escaped from her family’s home in New Brunswick, Canada, and crossed the border into the U.S. Paryse Michaud owns the Diamond and says her dad was watching the dog while she and her family were out of town. The 17-month-old dog escaped through an open garage door and ran away. Michaud put out a plea for help on Facebook, and started getting reports from people saying they saw Diamond cross into Maine via the International Bridge in Fort Kent and was seen heading toward the Lonesome Pine Trails ski Hill in Fort Kent. A family friend living in Maine was able to take custody of Diamond after she was tracked down inside a resident’s garage in St. John. Diamond’s family was then able to coordinate a hand-off at the U.S.-Canada border, and the dog was reunited with her family on Sunday (November 15th).

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