A story that recently came to light has captured the attention of the nation. It's anout an Alabama farmer who secretly paid the pharmacy bills of those unable to pay, or without insurance, for years. And we only knew about it after the man passed away on New Year's Day.
Hody Buford Childress had an arrangement with Geraldine Drugs in the town of less than 1,000. Childress walked into the pharmacy, at the first of every month, with a folded up $100 bill.
His only instruction - use the money for anyone who couldn’t afford their prescriptions, and don’t tell where the help came from. “He said, ‘Don’t tell a soul where the money came from - if they ask, just tell them it’s a blessing from the Lord.’”
The owner of the drug store, Brooke Walker said she used the money for non-medical reasons only twice- once to help a woman in an abusive relationship, and to help an elderly man caring for his special needs son and his wife, who had broken her hip.
Walker said the fund was used to help children needing Epi-Pens for allergic reactions, families in-between insurance coverages, and people just leaving the hospital.
Those who knew him are establishing a Hody Childress fund to continue the practice.